Personal Project, Unity, C#, Only Developer
Twilight's Call: Original is a Turnbased strategy game Created by me and my partner Stefano Pinto over the summer of 2018. I did all of the code for the game and my partner made all the models. The original Twilights call is a recreation of Persona's Weakness system. Each enemy has different strengths and weaknesses that the player can abuse to change the turn order. The combat is alot more dyamic then most turn based games giving the player more options in combat.

Camera Manager

One of the first things I implemented was an indepth camera that would move around the screen exactly as I wished.


// Switch statement connected to an enum of camera states
        switch (m_cameraState)
		//On nothing do nothing
            case CameraState.Nothing:


//Getting the normal state of right behind the player
            case CameraState.Normal:
                if (m_Grid.m_GridPathArray != null)
                    m_CreatureTheCameraIsOn = m_Creature.ModelInGame.transform.position;

                    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, new Vector3(
                        m_CreatureTheCameraIsOn.transform.position.x + NormalOffset.x,
                        m_CreatureTheCameraIsOn.transform.position.y +  NormalOffset.y,
                        m_CreatureTheCameraIsOn.transform.position.z -  NormalOffset.z), Time.deltaTime * 2);




//When a player moves the camera follows
            case CameraState.PlayerMovement:

                   transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, new Vector3(
                       m_Creature.ModelInGame.transform.position.x + MovementOffset.x,
                       m_Creature.ModelInGame.transform.position.y + MovementOffset.y,
                       m_Creature.ModelInGame.transform.position.z - MovementOffset.z), Time.deltaTime * 2);


//When the player is attacking
            case CameraState.PlayerAttack:
				transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, new Vector3(
                       m_Creature.ModelInGame.transform.position.x + MovementOffset.x,
                       m_Creature.ModelInGame.transform.position.y + MovementOffset.y,
                       m_Creature.ModelInGame.transform.position.z - MovementOffset.z), Time.deltaTime * 2);


//When the enemy moves

            case CameraState.EnemyMovement:
                if (m_Grid.m_GridPathArray != null)
                    transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, new Vector3(
                        m_Creature.ModelInGame.transform.position.x + MovementOffset.x,
                        m_Creature.ModelInGame.transform.position.y + MovementOffset.y,
                        m_Creature.ModelInGame.transform.position.z - MovementOffset.z), Time.deltaTime * 2);


            case CameraState.EnemyAttack:


//Takes in an Enum type as an argument such as Screen.CommandBoard
    public void PushScreen(Screen aScreen)

//Gets the screen from the list like dicitionary
        UiScreen screenToAdd = m_UiScreens[(int)aScreen];
//We tell the screen to do its push


//Add this screen to the stack for easy removal and management
        m_ScreenStack.Add(new KeyValuePair(aScreen, screenToAdd));
        m_ScreenStack[m_ScreenStack.Count - 1].Value.m_InputActive = true;


//Pop Takes in no arguements because we want to remove whatever is on top without knowing whats on top
    public void PopScreen()
        if (m_LastScreen.Count > 1)

//Keeping track of what was the last screen that was removed
        m_LastScreen.Add(m_ScreenStack[m_ScreenStack.Count - 1].Key);
//Telling the top of the stack to do its pop method
        m_ScreenStack[m_ScreenStack.Count - 1].Value.OnPop();
//Finally remove the screen from the stack
        m_ScreenStack.RemoveAt(m_ScreenStack.Count - 1);


Ui Manager

A turn based strategy game is mostly User interface so creating a strong manager was something I set out to accomplish. The Ui Manager is a singleton that has a reference to each of the different Ui screens. Attached in a Dicitionary like list a key of an enum is placed of each ui screen and a value of the screen we are pushing.
